Rapid Response Carbine/Pistol
Develop speed and accuracy with both weapon systems. Covers reloads, transitions, multiple targets, weapon placement in vehicle, team/individual movement shooting, and threat recognition. High Speed Low Drag. NOT A BEGINNER COURSE. Expect to be pushed both mentally and physically. Must have taken a rifle and pistol course from a reputable instructor.
Limited to 8 shooters
Course Requirements
Rifle - .223/5.56 or larger
Quality Sling
Pistol - 9mm or larger
3 Magazines for Each Weapon
Quality Belt and Magazine Holsters
Eye Protection
Ear Protection
500 rounds Rifle
300 rounds Pistol
Recommended equipment / Personal Preference
Knee/Elbow Pads
Body Armor
Class in Weatherford TX, starts at 9:00 goes to 5:00